Assignment 1: Walking Briefing
Assignment 2: Weekly Slack Reflections
Assignment 3: Policy language -> Talking points conversion [handout, example, template]
Assignment 3: Op-ed [handout, media outlets, sample of published student op-eds]
Assignment 4: "Press conference" [handout, template, press conference tips, Q&A tips]
Assignment 5: Interview synthesis memo [memo handout, memo template; final briefing handout]
Overview: Op-ed / Writing Guide; or, Surviving the Writing
To write well: Strunk & White's Elements of Style
To write simply: Thing Explainer / Upgoer5 Text Editor
To avoid logic traps: The Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
To calculate words per page: Word Counter
To convert words to speaking time: Speech in Minutes
To structure an op-ed: The Op-Ed Project
To signal transitions in writing: Signposting